RBA values our referring physicians by working to provide timely and accurate diagnosis for your patients. You can always come to the department or contact us at the facilities for a consultation regarding a patients imaging if it would be beneficial to the care you provide.
2018 ICD-10-CM/PCS Medical Coding Reference
When submitting orders please provide the following to ensure accuracy:
- Laterality (include left, right or bi-lateral)
- The cause of the condition
- Severity (acute, chronic, traumatic, non-traumatic)
- Signs and Symptoms (mild, moderate, profound, severe)
An example would be:
If a patient has pain as the symptom be specific as to the location and type of pain:
- Abdomen Pain
- Generalized
- Mild, moderate, severe
- Localized
- Epigastric
- Periumbilical
- Generalized
- Upper Limb Pain
- Upper arm
- Forearm
- Hand
- Fingers
- Right or Left
- Mild, moderate, sever
- Right or Left
All injuries must include whether the injury is:
- Initial encounter (current broken bone)
- Subsequent encounter (follow-up to check healing process)
- Sequela (old injury)